Sunshine and rainbows

Thursday, September 13, 2007

hi fwens.
new song. hahA(: it's the song from NON STOP 4 which hyun bin acted in and the show's about this nonstop band so obviusly they sing right MC Mong also in there. the first part of the song is actually hyun bin rapping. the whole song hyun bin singing veh nice it. i didn't know he sings. multi talented. i know i have good taste and i am proud of it. thnks. haha(:

anywaes today gave ms tay her belated birthday surprise cause yesterday was her birthday and she was on course then it's sad. the surprised was cool cause we graffitied on the board and closed all the windows and doors and off all the lights and fans when she came in. then we shouted HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MS TAY! ok so she veh happy then she decided to be nice to us and not scold us about how we did our revision exercise 8. dun mention how horribly it was done. so she was cool and the saddening part was she didn't cry. i think she almost lar but it's CONTROLLED. ARGH.
so MS TAY if you ever get to see this post, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY AND STAY HAPPY AND COOL FOREVER KAY? haha(:

pei hua said i nv ever mention her my posts so i shall write about her. PEI HUA IS MY GOOD CHINESE BUDDY WHO RANTS THE WHOLE DAY. pei hua, truth hurts man so shuddup if you see this post. basically chinese was again boring not as fun as yi ting's chinese with MR HUANG. haha(:

bye ppl. the end of years are coming so GOOD LUCK KAYYS?


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